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Geopolitical Modeling in the Current World

Updated: May 24

The Word is rapidly changing in four major ways that will deeply influence emergent outcomes. These changes are occurring at both the macro and meso levels. The combination of both overarching (macro) and regional (meso) modeling, combined in the proper framework, is good for guiding geostrategically sound development and investment strategies.

First, the population growth of the Less Developed Third and Fourth World countries is growing logarithmically while the population of the More Developed First and Second World countries is actually declining. This leads to the idea that the two primary trends of technology and population growth are leading to the two secondary trends of mass relocation of manufacturing facilities from the Global North to the Global South, and the mass migration of people from the Global South to the North. The conclusion is twofold; a) the world is moving towards a global wage-labor equilibrium process and, b) since global population growth is outpacing global economic growth, the global wage-labor rate is necessarily declining and income disparity in First World countries will continue to increase to equilibrium with that of the less developed countries.

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