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Mass Migration, Strategic Modeling, and the “Seven P Plan” of the Left

Updated: May 24, 2024

Preface—the overarching fact pattern

The overarching fact pattern of technology and population growth through history was presented by 1992 economics Nobel laureate Robert F. Fogel. The two primary trends of technology and population growth over time are part of the fundamental environmental conditions that all countries are operating in. Furthermore, these two primary trends beget the two post-1950s secondary trends of First World manufacturing jobs migrating to the Developing World and the mass migration of people from the developing World to the Developed World. Two things are significant here: First, population growth is drastically outpacing economic growth as the global wages labor equilibrium rate plummets and income disparity is climbing. Secondly, the migration levels are likely to be a tsunami in North America and Europe this decade as people continue to migrate from developing countries to developed countries.

The two variables of technology and population growth over time allow for the correlation of Aristotle’s Six Forms of Government, as they relate to the per capita GNP ratio, signifying economic growth and population growth rates of change, with the Four Category Geopolitical Form outcome measure based on the reality that: (1) First and Second World developed countries are characterized by higher economic growth and low population growth, and tighter wage-labor rate proportions with stable monetary systems; in direct contrast with (2) Third and Fourth World failed states which are characterized by lower economic growth and higher population growth proportions associated with catastrophically loose wage labor rate levels, catastrophically high levels of income disparity, and higher levels of crime and instability. Of course, monetary instability is also strongly associated with Fourth World failed states.

This series of correlations between the three macro behavioral frameworks of Aristotle’s Six Forms of Government, the per capita gross national product ratio depicting economic growth rates of change and population growth rates of change as they relate to the gradations of First, Second, Third, and Fourth World Countries, whose gradations are based on a tight-versus-catastrophically-loose wage-labor continuum. This is increasingly important as the US surpasses $34 trillion in national debt with no way to pay the unfunded Social Security pension fund liabilities for its seniors. The US is likely to experience runaway inflation as the country nears the $40 trillion debt level and as more countries exit the petrodollar exchanges due to the sanctions on Russia, Iran, and China. (For more on this topic, see the “Energy and Geopolitical Realignment” series of articles by George McMillan that were published from late 2023 through early 2024.)


This paper begins with an explanation of the origins of rational choice models as the basis of strategic planning. Next, it explains the strategic plans of the Left to incrementally transform America into a Fabian Socialist welfare state, as, ultimately, the Left wants to replace the Christian morality based institutions of the West with an atheistic system based on the ideas of Rousseau and Marx.

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