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Strategic Risk Intelligence
Providing the Grand View of Your Strategic Landscape

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The Raven Report

Welcome to Raven Geostrategic

The Raven Report is the premier sitrep for crucial up-to-date geopolitical, geostrategic, and geoeconomic developments. Raven Geostrategic monitors and reviews multiple public and private sources, aggregates key information, and ensures you stay informed without sifting through lengthy articles and unreliable data.

Raven Geostrategic's Video Series, Podcasts, Webinars, and Fireside Chats showcase professional insights from our network of energy, finance, industry, military, and intelligence experts that empower you to make well-informed decisions based on real-world experience.

The McMillan Series and Special Reports, incorporating George McMillan's proprietary Unified Behavioral Theory (UBT) framework, provide a deeper understanding of the inner workings of international relations. McMillan Reports cover the strategies and objectives of major power centers including the United States, Russia, China, and Iran; and how they shape the current and future geopolitical, geostrategic, and geoeconomic landscape.

For private consulting, specific analysis/research requests, and executive team briefs, please contact Raven Research.

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McMillan Issue Series

McMillan Issue Series

McMillan Issue Series
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Video 01 - Intro- McMillan Issue Series

Video 01 - Intro- McMillan Issue Series

Video 02 - Sea Power vs Land Power

Video 02 - Sea Power vs Land Power

Video 03 - Six Major Trends and Geopolitcal Realignment

Video 03 - Six Major Trends and Geopolitcal Realignment

Video 04 - Seven P Plan of the Left

Video 04 - Seven P Plan of the Left

Public Appearances

Public Appearances

Public Appearances
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George McMillan at FPC conference

George McMillan at FPC conference

What is the United States afraid of? George McMillan, CEO of McMillian Associates,  tells us
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What is the United States afraid of? George McMillan, CEO of McMillian Associates, tells us

ENB #172 George McMillan - Geopolitics are changing at a critical pace, and how to avoid wars today.
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ENB #172 George McMillan - Geopolitics are changing at a critical pace, and how to avoid wars today.

Seven P's Unveiled: Navigating Marxist Influences, University Reforms, Global Geopolitical Dynamics
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Seven P's Unveiled: Navigating Marxist Influences, University Reforms, Global Geopolitical Dynamics

McMillan Reports

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