China conducted a series of significant military exercises around Taiwan, referred to as "Joint Sword-2024A". These drills have heightened regional tensions and raised concerns about the potential for escalation in the Taiwan Strait.
Key Events
Initiation of Military Drills
Exercise Details: On May 23, 2024, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) initiated a two-day military exercise around Taiwan. The drills, involving naval, aerial, and missile forces, were described as a "punishment" for Taiwan's ongoing moves toward independence and a response to the recent inauguration of Taiwan's new president, Lai Ching-te (Al Jazeera, 2024; Taiwan News, 2024).
Geopolitical Context: These exercises were closely tied to President Lai's inaugural address, in which he reaffirmed Taiwan's sovereignty and called on China to cease its military intimidation (USNI News, 2024; Military.com, 2024).